Rising from the ashes.

Wooden Phoenix specializes in utilizing local hardwoods, salvaged lumber, and up-cycled materials to craft custom furniture, home décor and unique gifts.
Pulling inspiration from a 20 year career in creative arts, we are able to seamlessly fit our pieces into the landscape of your home. Finding ways to balance out tones and add depth with our wood choices to give you a beautiful visual experience. Each item carries its own story from humble beginnings to functional art. We know your family will add to the legacy of our designs.

Established in 2020, Wooden Phoenix creator Ian Todd has been perfecting the art of woodworking long before turning it into a business. When the opportunity for change arose he took a chance at shifting course and made his passion into a full-time career. Starting with simple gifts for friends and family, he soon expanded into custom client work province wide and beyond.
Coming from a great-great-grandfather who was a shipwright on the Titanic, a grandfather millwright and an aerospace engineer father, craftsmanship runs deep within his family.